Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sweet mercy, I've found me a gem.

I like to look for blogs that I call "Soul Blogs," because I can go there for a quick lift regardless of my mood. One of those is, interestingly enough, Soule Mama. Another of my soul blogs is A Traveler's Library.

But NOW, dear reader, I've found a new soul blog. OH! Town Grab Bag is a blog by my friend and gifted writer, Penny Armstrong. She's blogging about Ogden goodies-- poignant, quirky and beautiful-- in Ogden. I've loved this place for years, and it's nice to see someone else share in the fun that is O-town.

Coincidentally, another friend of mine, Brian Nicholson, photo-journalist extraordinaire, has just finished a book called I Am Ogden. It's full of Ogden's quirky mix of people, past and present, (I'm even in it!) and it's so much fun. You should check out his site. It's awesome. Show up on Friday night, April 17, at the Union Grill, and you can buy the book and get 5 bucks off your dinner!

AH! Such a fine tributes paid to my hometown. I love it here.


Penny said...

Woa--thanks for the nod, Nancy! Nice to commune with fellow -- er, sister Og Deno Philes.

Amy said...

I heart ogden!!!

Vera Marie Badertscher said...

Thanks for the shout out on A Traveler's Library. Always glad to be of service.