Monday, September 22, 2008

Chin up!

As a writer, I've collected books on writing- the craft, all that nasty stuff like semantics, and the more helpful stuff that makes me feel good about what I'm doing, even when I wonder if the next book will be accepted for publication, if people actually read these things once they're in the stores, that kind of stuff.

I'll list some of the best titles I've found. They not only touch on the craft itself, but on the inspirational part that makes you remember why you wanted to write in the first place.

1. Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott. This is my writing bible. Followed closely by:

2. On Writing, by Stephen King. Truly the master of the compelling story.

3. Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. Yes, one of those dorky books. Such good snippets of writers' successes, some in the face of frustrating odds.

4. Rotten Reviews and Rejections, by Bill Henderson and Andre Bernard. You will die at who's been rejected before being published.

So, all things told, keep that chin up. Persistence pays off, and some of the best advice I've seen, and I've seen it numerous times, is to keep writing once you send off that book/article/whatever. Send it out into the world and then get back to work on your next project.

I heard Ray Bradbury speak at a Weber State Convocation some years ago and his suggestion was to always stay in love with whatever it is that makes you want to live forever. I remind myself of this when I start to worry about the publishing end of the business. First and foremost, the writing must happen or nothing else does.


Amy said...

Hey Nancy, great blog. Right after book club and of course after kids were in bed, I checked out your blog. I should've told everyone about my blog also, but I got a little shy. Good job. I am excited to read your book.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Shame on you for being shy! I'm going to tell everyone about your blog- it's great!