Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Distinctive Voices

Just sitting here listening to a little Fleetwood Mac and thinking that I'd know Stevie Nicks' voice anywhere. There are some voices like that- you recognize them right off the bat because they're so unique.

A few more that come to mind: Freddie Mercury, Barbara Streisand, Britney Spears, (much as I dislike her voice), Steve Perry, (until you hear his replacement for Journey, which sounds just like him!), Celine Dion, Elvis, (of course- and I can't stand his voice!)...

Ok, this list was way long longer in my head when I started this post and now I'm drawing a blank. You know what I mean, though. The kind of voice you hear in a new song and you don't have to ask who the artist is.

I'm probably un-American to admit to not liking Elvis. I do like Frank Sinatra, though, so that counts for something. (Sending pleas for forgiveness heavenward to my grandfather who thought Sinatra was a not-talent hack. We're not Italian, though, we're Scots. Maybe that's the difference. Had my grandfather been Italian, it would have been in the blood. I mean, can you be Italian and not like Frank Sinatra? I should think that would be morally reprehensible or something. Somehow defiling a natural law of the universe).


TRIBE'S said...

I love your list and so many of the artist I love to listen to. I can tell the difference with Journey, the new guys good but not as good. And I don't know how any one can not love Frank. Even all my kids love Frank.

Jewels said...

Okay, I love this background the best so far. Had to do some catching up on your blog. I love the one about Nina. You gave me a good laugh. You are such a good and realistic mom. It is hard to watch these kids grow up, but they are growing up to be such beautiful girls with great personalities. Good job.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Lyd, I thought of another distinctive voice- Ethel Merman!

Jewels, you made my day. I'm glad you like my girls. They love you, that's for sure.

Heather B. Moore said...

I'd definitely recognize Stevie Nick's anywhere. I don't know about Britney--haven't heard any of her new stuff.

Karlene said...

I love Stevie Nicks. She had such a wonderful voice, but even she doesn't sound like herself anymore. I guess age can do that.

And I love Freddie Mercury and Frank Sinatra.

What about Rod Stewart--he's pretty unique. I love those last few CDs he's done of the older music.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Rod Stewart! Yes, I thought of him today. And Neil Diamond. Sting, for sure. I'd know him anywhere.

And Heather, it's ok. You're not missing much. I think Britney's stuff is always catchy, but her VOICE drives me up a wall.