Sunday, March 21, 2010

Right now I love...

Right now I love:

*The "Cinderella" poops Gunder made with his Aunt Syd, Uncle Scott and his sisters
*A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute
*The hat I'm knitting. Hopefully it will fit Nina's head.
*The book I'm getting ready to revise with my editor.
*The book I'm researching.
*My shiny kitchen sink, thank you Fly Lady.
*My Runner's World magazine. Makes me feel like the real deal.
*My 5-year-old baby that gets bigger by the day.
*My 17 and 14-year-old babies that make me crazier by the day.
*My husband who asks me if I want to throw down when I'm mad at him.
*Spring! Oh, sweet, glorious spring. I think I love you the most!


Angie said...

Great things to love! You made me smile.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Thanks, Angie. :-)

Sarah said...

I'm with you on gorgeous Springs. They always raise my spirits a notch.

Nancy Campbell Allen said...

Isn't it amazing, Sarah? Makes all the difference in the world.

^-^: said...

He was so cute when we made the cinderella poop!